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Modern Warfare 3 Frost

Modern Warfare 3 Frost 9,1/10 8745 reviews

Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 3 (soap mactavish) Art: I don't know what the point of these were but some Modern Warfare 3 pics where Soap looks hot. Hey guys, first time posting, Big fan of the modern warfare series (not so much the last one though) and was wondering what kind of year Cpt. My inspiration for a woodland loadout.

. Walkthrough. Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Basics. Multiplayer Maps. Game Modes.

Prestige Mode. Perks. Deathstreaks. Strike Package. Callsigns and Emblems. Spec Ops. Mission Mode.

Intel 1 of 5 and the fireteam will enter an office building when the Russian gunship attacks the street. On the second level, of this building, near the chopper wreckage, is a bedroom or small office. Check inside for this laptop.Intel 2 of 5 Check the lower level of the boutique (after Frost and flashbang two Russians in an alley). The laptop is on a counter under the stairs used to access the lower floor. You may want to clear out those crazy Russians first before exploring the store.Intel 3 of 5 In the stock exchange building with the ammunition replenishment crates (and weapons mat), there is a laptop on one of the tables on the side of the room.Intel 4 of 5 On the trading floor of the exchange there are lots of little kiosks and trading stations. Check the kiosk next to the staircase you need to use to move on. The laptop is on the kiosk counter.Intel 5 of 5 One of the tables near the Russian signal jamming tower has a laptop on it.

Be sure to retrieve it before you blow the jammer, or you will find yourself under heavy enemy gunfire.Mission 02 - Hunter Killer. Intel 1 of 2 Board the submarine. That was easy. Take out the two crewmen in the rear berths and look around before moving into the red room.

Put the door to the red room to your left, then inspect the bunk area ahead for a laptop.Intel 2 of 2 From the red-room, you enter the first of two power-plant rooms with lots of columns and a metal floor overhead. At this time, Sandman will remark that the Russians are trying to scuttle the submarine. The first power-plant room with columns has the laptop, but you need to go upstairs and go back towards the door you came through. You should see the red-lit room you emerged from below you on the metal floor; from there the laptop is just to your right.Mission 03 - Persona Non Grata.

Modern Warfare 3 Frost

Intel 1 of 4 When you go down the stairs from the surgery room, you come out to the safehouse's courtyard. Turn 90 degrees right and check the arcade-alcove (filled with boxes) along the courtyard wall for this laptop.Intel 2 of 4 When you are attacked by the Russian drone from the air, will tell about a weapons cache at the edge of town. Around the time when that dialogue occurs, look for a building on the right side of the street (the safehouse should be behind you).

Check inside that house for a second floor room with the laptop. This house is before the 90 degree left turn that puts you face-to-face with the enemies holding the gate in the middle of the street.Intel 3 of 4 Drop into the basement with Price and the Russian UGV. Before using the UGV's controls, face the robo-tank and check the shelving to its left for this laptop.Intel 4 of 4 During 's escape from the UGV, there is a laptop on the top of the slide in the playground. If you pass the two concrete gate-posts (around the time you engage the second chopper), you went too far ahead.Mission 04 - Turbulence. Intel 1 of 2 Head downstairs after turbulence makes the plane go into freefall (zero G) for a moment.

Modern Warfare 3 Achievements

Continue going forward into the galley; the laptop is just to your right.Intel 2 of 2 After the crash, your Russian agent dude will need to hop over a fallen tree to get to the emergency signal. The laptop is in the snow just after you hop the tree, and it should be in plain sight. You may not see the laptop in these illustrations, since we already claimed it.Mission 05 - Back on the Grid.